Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shaylee's January Christmas Program

Shaylee's Third Grade Christmas Program was scheduled for the last day of school before Christmas Break.  Well, we received 15 inches of snow that morning and it was declared a SNOW DAY (the first in over 25 years in our school district.)  Who knew?  So, because of all the hard work and practice that went into the program, the great third grade teachers opted to do the Christmas Program in January.  YAY!!!  It was still a great program and I still felt the Christmas spirit.  Here are some photos.  Shay had a speaking part and also got to be a part of the dancing.  It was adorable.


Jenny Young said...

LOVE the bow!

Rita said...

Shaylee,... you look adorable in these pictures. I bet you did really well with your part. I'm glad you got to do the program afterall. I bet the dancing was fun too.

Lace OD said...

She is too too cute. Love her