Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Empty Nest - Part 2

You were all right.  Every one of you.....I'm surviving and actually starting to enjoy it.  The kids have been in school for 2 weeks and I have stayed really busy.  After a great Lunch Bunch, a wonderful day shopping with my Mom and another fun lunch with friends, I've gotten over the initial shock of having them gone all day.  It's great.  The house stays cleaner longer and I have been able to read a book that I haven't had time for previously.  I'm enjoying the quiet and Shane and I have a little more time in the morning to talk and see each other minus the children at foot.  The best part is that the kids are loving school.  Shaylee thinks being there long enough to have 3 recesses is the best.  Jack says his class is the bomb.  Marissa is loving Junior High; being a part of student council and joining the tennis team.  Nick has had hardly any homework (thanks to A/B days), has a busy social life and really loves SHHS!!!!  When they are happy, I'm happy and I know, "It's All Good."  


Tara said...

Good for you mama bear. Hang in there! Sounds like life is good.